Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Tour: Nigel, The Champion

Nearly two weeks ago, we wrapped up the tour in Nigel - Gauteng. This was our first visit to the town, approximately one hour's drive outside of Johannesburg.

We were met by a diverse audience; we would even go as far as to say, an even split between youth and mature! Now, that is a pretty cool sight, and in line with the vision we believe God gave us [to minister to all ages].

The community hall was filled to capacity; people anxious to get started and expectant of great things!

Wow! This place has some exceptional talent (some that have performed & toured with major SA acts), and they quickly electrified the airwaves with songs of victory in Christ Jesus.

With the crowd warmed up, it was our turn to give glory to God, the best way we know how.  Our primary message centred around two themes: ‘Not using your past as an excuse for where you find yourself’ and ‘A love that never fails’.

We think the Godly bonds that were formed that evening grew stronger and stronger as the evening progressed, and will still be in existence years from now! Praise God!

Towards the end of our performance the entire hall were on their feet, screaming at the top of their voices, ‘Satan you’re a liar, the church is on fire!’ Once again, testimony of how awesome and full of surprises GOD is, as long as we remain steadfast on His word and His promises.

The name ‘Nigel’, a derivative of the Latin name "Nigellus," or ‘Neil’, means champion. Our prayer for the spiritual leaders of the Joshua Generation and other churches within the area, is that you will continue to champion (promote) the name of Jesus Christ unashamedly and uncompromisingly. Your faithfulness will see the community impacted supernaturally, impossible spiritual wars won and walls broken down, brick by brick - in the name of Jesus Christ!

Stand firm on His promises and continue to declare… ‘God is not a man that He should lie’ (Numbers 23:19)

Thanks for taking time out to read,

Friday, May 6, 2011

TOUR feedback

The last week and a half can be described in these words :
God-Inspired & Life-Altering!

God-Inspired because we stepped out in faith and GOD supernaturally met every one of our physical & spiritual needs.

Our fuel consisted of a few hours of sleep every night, lots of driving and eating on the go; nonetheless, every appearance saw an increase in performance levels, professionalism, ethusiasm & spiritual impartation. Humanly impossible… GODLY possible!

In every one of the towns we visited we were blessed and greeted with love & humility, completely void of malice, motive or selfishness.

The ministries we visited displayed gratitude (as one pastor said, ‘thanks so much for taking time out to visit us): so intense and evident in their praise & worship; so filled with excitement and innocence! One event was held at a small, hot tent erected next to a small house in the centre of the community… but with such an anointing, completely charged with the tangible power of God!

These are people that, in spite of their surroundings & circumstances, embraced GOD, and us - as HIS messengers - not only in a physical sense but reached and pulled out something deep down that has re-instilled in us a reason for contuining ‘to press on towards the mark, of the prize of the high calling, of God in Christ Jesus.’ 

Life-Altering because as much as we were under the impression that we were giving of our time and effort, these men and women (both in free society and prison alike) opened their hearts, homes (and prison doors) and made us feel welcome - much like the father did his prodical son. J Music taking the lead , tears flowing,  smiles and hugs being exchanged, all in the name of JESUS.

Even more symbolic is the fact that most of this happened over the Easter period; a period marking the victory that we, as the body of Christ share through the life, death and recurrection of the Son of God, Jesus Christ, our Messiah and King. We believe that this increased the impact of our ministry beyond expectation and as a result many dedicated their lives to Christ. This hit home the reality of how in need the world is of a genuine message of hope; how, in the end, everyone wants to be accepted and loved… even the prisoner, locked away and cast out, because of his perceived injustices against humanity.

Oh! The angelic, sweet sounds of the Drakensberg Boys Choir; their crisp, white shirts, elegant stance and smiley faces... This one definitely goes down as of one of the greatest moments in the history of YMCTheBand.

In Drakensberg, the same YMCtheband formula - comprising ministry in both word and song - yielded much positive feedback and established brand new relationships in a nearly uncharted territory, at least for our brand of evanglism and music.

All is well that ends well…

Many kilometres travelled - many lives intertwined - many songs sung, but mostly: many lives touched and eternally altered by a GOD that loves us beyond our wildest imagination.

Salute! To every ministry out there willing to work together for the sake of this cause. You have indeed left eternal marks on our lives, and created  heart-felt memories


some of the guys having a breather in Drakensberg

Haha, this was as they waited for lunch

This was at the first stop in Wolmaransstad - awesome time!

Bibo and his drums

This was during our set in Drakensberg

Boys will be boys --- playing games before supper in Drakensberg

David and Ash, on the way back to Jozi

Stay tuned for more as we head to Nigel!

Thank you for taking time out to visit us...
